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Water Bills

To pay your water bill, please visit this link (opens in a new tab).

Water Billing Information

The Village of Coal Valley has welcomed many new residents in the last couple of years and there have been several questions about how the Water Billing works. This is a summary of the Water and Sewer Ordinance.

Payment and billing:

  • The water meters are read on or around the 15th of each month.
  • All bills for service shall be rendered monthly as of the first day of the month succeeding the period for which the service is billed and shall be payable no later than the close of business on the 10th day of the same month. If payment is made after the 10th, then a penalty of 10% of the amount of the bill shall be added on.
  • You are able to pay your bill three ways:
    1. Mail the bill to the Village Hall;
    2. Drop off the bill at the Village Hall (there is a drop slot for 24 hour service);
    3. Automatic withdrawal from your checking/savings account on the 10th of the Month
      To enroll in our program, please fill out and return an Authorization Agreement for Automatic Debits (ACH) form along with a voided check. If we are in the middle of a billing cycle, please be sure to enclose a payment for your current invoice along with your Authorization Agreement.  With automatic withdrawal you save time and money: no need to remember to pay your bill, no more stamps, and no more late fees! We’ll do all the work for you.  Click here for Authorization Agreement for Auto Withdrawal.
  • If you plan on being away for a period of time you may wish to discontinue service. “Any user desiring to temporarily discontinue service for a period of absence from the premises shall make application thereof to the Village. Each time there is a discontinuance of service requested by a user, there shall be a charge of $20.00 to shut-off the service and $20.00 to turn-on service”, residents will still be billed the service fee. If you have any further questions you can contact the Village of Coal Valley.


The Village of Coal Valley is offering E-Billing for Water & Sewer Bills. Go Green—Save paper and help the environment! It’s quick, easy, and saves on postage! If Village residents wish to sign up for E-bill, please send us an email.

Garbage Pickup

The Village of Coal Valley has contracted Allied/Republic Services for residential garbage collection once a week. To learn what day garbage is picked up in your neighborhood or for other questions, please call 309-799-3604 or view garbage and recycle schedule.

The Village provides each residence with one tote (65 or 95 gallon). Additional carts are available. Trash cart is $4.00 and Recycle cart is $3.50 a month.

Totes are owned and maintained by Allied. Totes are not to be written on or defaced in any way. Totes damaged through negligence or abuse will be repaired or replaced. If a resident moves, the tote remains with the property for use by the next resident.

Tote Guidelines
Refuse, recycle containers, and yard waste may be placed street or curbside no sooner than 5:00 pm the day before collection, and must be in place at the street or curb by 6:00 am the day of collection, and removed from the street or curb by 7:00 pm on collection day. All containers shall be placed and kept so contents shall not be spilled or scattered upon public grounds, streets, alleys, or spilled upon private property.

The following items should not be placed in your tote:

  • Dirt/sod/rock
  • Yard waste
  • Concrete
  • Flammable liquids
  • Hazardous waste
  • Hot ashes


Allied Waste Curbside Recycling Collection
All curbside recycling questions should be directed to The Village of Coal Valley by calling 309-799-3604.

  • Recycling will be collected every other week on your regularly scheduled day of garbage collection. To determine when you’re recycling pickup will be, view the Recycling Calendar to determine your pickup week.
  • For ease of use, the Village of Coal Valley’s program is a single-source recycling, meaning all of your recyclables go into one tote for collection. 
  • On your recycle week, place your tote at the curb three feet from your garbage tote.

Recycle Do’s & Don’ts

  • Rinse out all cans and containers before recycling them
  • Throw away contaminated paper and foil
  • Break down cardboard so it will fit and save space in your curbside recycling tote and to save space at the drop-off center

Download the 2025 recycling calendar.