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Public Works

Last updated:

Located at 1004 East 19th Avenue. The Village of Coal Valley Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining all roads throughout the village, along with a comparable amount of water and sewer systems. The department’s goal is to provide and maintain the infrastructure of the Village of Coal Valley, and to protect the health and welfare of residents, businesses, and visitors. Provide quality services within available resources, to our customers in a timely and efficient manner, along with supporting economic growth and development with the unity and trust of highly qualified and skilled personnel. Below is information on services that the village provides.

Garbage Service:

Summary of the fixed monthly charges for each year of the 10 year contract with Republic Services for trash/recycling collection, yard waste carts, and yard waste stickers. Year 1 starts January 1, 2022, and ends January 1, 2031.

YEARTrash/ Recycling2nd Trash Cart
(65 or 95 gal)
2nd Recycle Cart
(65 or 95 gal)
Yard Waste Cart
(95 gal)
Yard Waste Sticker

Residents receive one bulk item per month, such as a sink, chair, couch, bookcase, etc. which is scheduled here at the Village Hall. If you have a lot of stuff to dispose of you can schedule a special pickup with Republic directly. Please contact Natasha Esquivel at 563-888-6597 to schedule your pickup.

Yard Waste Tags:

Yard waste tags can now be purchased at the Village Hall for $2.25 each. Allied Waste is offering Curbside Compostable Yard Waste Collection for single-family and multi-family residences with the Village of Coal Valley. Yard Waste will be picked up on Wednesdays and you will need to call the Village Hall at 799-3604 on the Friday before and put your address on the list to be picked up. Yard waste pick up starts the first Wednesday in April and ends the last Wednesday of November.

Compostable Materials:

  • Grass clippings, tree parts, leaves, plant trimmings, shrubs.
  • Container: 30 gallon Kraft paper bags, available at grocery, hardware and gardening stores. If you have twigs and branches they should be securely tied in bundles not more than four feet long.

Collection Specifications:

  • Each unit for collection must not exceed 40 lbs. Place yard waste tag facing the street. Collections will be on Wednesdays. Only specially constructed 30 gallon Kraft paper bags, not grocery bag size/type. Bundled cutting 4-foot maximum length and 2 foot maximum diameter.
  • Materials not acceptable:
    • Trash/rubbish/garbage, branches over 4 foot in length or 2 inches in diameter, fruits, vegetables and food scraps. Sod, dirt, manure, bamboo, compostables in plastic bags, concrete, rocks, poison oak or ivy.