In order to enhance the quality of our parks, the Village of Coal Valley is working on implementing an “Adopt-A-Park” program for its four municipal parks; 1st Street, Post Office Park, Stanley B. Engstrom and West 5th Street Park. This program is relatively close to a very familiar program known as “Adopt-A-Street”. Through this program, an individual(s), civic group or business can adopt one of our parks. Through adoption, these individuals or groups may assume the responsibility for any or all of the eligible activities, which lead to:
- Reduced litter in parks;
- Enhancement of the environment;
- Beautification of green space; and
- Board-based community support for anti-litter and park beautification programs
Program requirements
The Village’s Park Department (“Department”) will work with the adopting group (“Sponsor”) to determine the specific park to be adopted. Other green space areas may also be eligible for sponsorship.
The main focus of the program is litter control. The Sponsor will agree to pick up litter in the adopted park at least twice monthly. Other activities such as plantings, (possibly) repair projects and (possibly) installation of new equipment must be approved by the Department prior to any work being undertaken. Plant species must be approved by the Department. Sponsor will water the plantings sufficiently where water is available and will control weeds as necessary using Department approved methods. Chemicals are not to be applied by the Sponsor.
The Sponsor will sign an indemnity and hold harmless agreement, which is part of the application to Adopt-A-Park.
Sponsorship will generally be for a minimum of one park season (i.e. April-October). Sponsor must request a renewal extension permit by Dec. 31 of each year.
If in the sole judgment of the Department, it is found that the Sponsor is not meeting the terms and conditions of the agreement, the Department may terminate the agreement and remove sponsorship signs.
Procedure for adopting a park
A representative of an interested group or an individual should contact the Village of Coal Valley Parks and Recreation Department at 309-799-3604 or click here for a sponsorship application.
The Sponsor should select a park or green space to be adopted, complete the sponsorship application and return it to the Department. Once the application has been approved, the Department will erect signage identifying the Sponsor.
After the Sponsor has performed the necessary activities, the Department will, at the end of the park season, present the Sponsor with a certificate of recognition for the work completed, if one is desired.
Please feel free to call the Village Administrator at 309-799-3604, ext 206 with any questions that you may have. We are looking forward to implementing this program and will keep you updated on its progress!
Coal Valley Municipal Park
Located at 1000 1st Street. Reservations required for shelter and lodge rental. There is also a $50 refundable deposit. To make reservations please call 799-3604. Park amenities: Enclosed shelter, picnic tables, bathrooms, tennis courts, horseshoe pit, ball diamond and playground equipment.
Post Office Park
Located at 115 East 22nd Avenue. No reservation required. Amenities include: Covered shelter, picnic tables, bathrooms and playground equipment.
Stanley B. Engstrom Park
Located at 405 East 19th Avenue. No reservation required. Amenities include: Covered shelter, picnic tables, bathrooms, playground equipment.
West 5th Street Park
Amenities include: Playground equipment.
Park Reservations
The Village of Coal Valley has two pavilions and one ball diamond available by reservation only. For Coal Valley residents, pavilion rental is a $50 dollar-refundable deposit. For non-residents, the pavilion rental is a $10 an hour charge. If you would like to reserve one of the pavilions or ball diamond, call 309-799-3604 or check our calendar for availability.