In order for any police agency to be successful in crime prevention or criminal apprehension, residents of the community must take responsibility for reporting information on criminal activity. There are several ways this can be accomplished and are based on the reward you are looking for and the level of involvement.
If you would like to contact our department directly you may call our office at 309-799-5416 from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Thursday and Fridays from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, (excluding holidays) or after hours you can call our dispatching service at the Rock Island County Sheriff’s Department at 309-794-9111. If it is an emergency use 911. Calling us direct does not mean you HAVE to leave your name and does not mean that a reward would not be paid.
If you are concerned about being identified and want to give information with the possibility of being paid a reward for your information you can contact the Quad City area Crime Stoppers number at 309-762-9500. This process allows you to remain anonymous and possibly collect reward money.
Please remember that even though you may think the information you have may not be important, that information may be just the right piece of the puzzle we need!!
We will also be listing from time to time, descriptions of crimes that have occurred in Coal Valley that we are seeking information to assist us in apprehending those responsible. We hope that if you have any information, you will choose one of the above ways to assist us or you may send us an email.
Chief Whitney
Coal Valley Police Department
Phone / Email/ Mail Scams
We have seen an increase in phone, mail and email money scams here in the Village of Coal Valley. These people will contact you by phone, mail or email and state they will send you a check or money order, then they want you to deposit this into your bank account and then wire or mail them a money order back for a lesser amount, and you keep the balance for yourself for all your help that you have provided to them.
So as an example they will send you a money order or check for $5,000.00, you deposit this into your account and withdraw $4,000.00 and wire this to them and you keep the remaining $1,000.00 for yourself.
What happens is that you deposit this money order or check into your bank and withdraw the money and wire it to them. By the time the bank catches the phony money order or check it is to late because you have already taken the money out of your account and sent it to them. Now you are out the money you have sent them.
As a rule of thumb always remember that you must NEVER wire or mail any cash or money orders to anyone that you do not know personally. You never get money for free. Remember never accept checks or money orders from anyone that you do not know. You can always contact us if you have any questions about any emails, phone calls or mail that you receive that you think may be a scam. If you get money orders or checks in the mail that you think may be a scam you can always bring it to the police department and we will check into it.
You should also report all scams/identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission. You will also find a lot of useful information at the Federal Trade Commission website at this link:
Coal Valley Police Department