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Last updated:

Penny Mullen, Finance Director
[email protected]
Village of Coal Valley
900 1st Street
Coal Valley, IL 61240

Main Office: 309-799-3604
Fax: 309-799-3651

Accounts Payable: (For inquiries regarding payment invoices): 309-799-3604

Assessments and Receivable: (For inquiries regarding monies due the Village): 309-799-3604

Payroll: (For inquiries regarding payroll, benefits, and related matters): 309-799-3604

Tax and License Administration: (For inquiries regarding business tax and license matters): 309-799-3604, Fax: 309-799-3651

The Finance Department is responsible for budget preparation and administration, investments, capital financing, insurance and risk management and disbursements. Other functions include accounting, auditing, the collection of sales and occupational license taxes, business licenses and other revenues, and the purchasing of all materials, supplies, equipment and services.

Finance provides leadership and support in the Village’s financial affairs so that all comprehensive financial management and administrative matters are conducted in an efficient, effective, and professional manner. The department provides services and support to the citizens of Coal Valley, elected officials, village employees and other interested parties on a timely and accurate basis.