Storm Water Management Program
Information for Homeowners
For homeowners, it is important to note that the Stormwater Ordinance makes any release into the storm sewer system that does not consist entirely of uncontaminated storm or groundwater unlawful. There are exceptions to the prohibited discharges but its best to check with the Villages Stormwater Manager prior to releasing anything into the storm sewer. Violating the Ordinance, even unknowingly, can result in fines and legal action.
The Village Stormwater Ordinance also protects property owners from changes in drainage that can cause flooding, backups and other problems. Downspouts and sump pumps should be directed so that runoff is absorbed on-site and not forced onto other properties. Structures like raised flower beds, retaining walls and storage sheds may cause water to pond or redirect flow to other properties. Contact the Village if you are building a similar project to check if a drainage easement borders your property.
Surface water pollution is the main concern of the US EPA programs. Stormwater in Coal Valley does NOT go to waste water treatment plants. It is discharged directly into the Rock River where drinking water is later drawn from. It is important to keep trash, lawn or pet waste and hazardous materials like cleaners, oils, and paint out of the storm sewer system.
Earth 911
Know Where It Goes
Living Lands & Water
IL Rain Garden Initiative
FEMA FloodSmartÂ
Environmental Justice Area Webpage
In accord with the NPDES Phase II regulations, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) that serve a population of less than 100,000 and are situated in an Urbanized Area are required to comply with the requirements of the program. The Village of Coal Valley was listed in the appendix of the Federal Register as being a governmental entity located fully or partially within an urbanized area.
NOTE: A special hotline has been established to report any suspicious activity related to Stormwater Management. Please call 309-799-3604, or email
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires, under the Phase II regulations, that all owners/operators of small MS4s reduce the discharge of pollutants from a regulated system to the maximum extent practicable to protect water quality. At a minimum, jurisdictions regulated under Phase II must:
The six minimum control measures that must be addressed under the Phase II NPDES Program include:
- 1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts
- 2. Public Involvement and Participation
- 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- 4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- 5. Post Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and
- 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
To report any suspicious activity, please call 309-799-3604, ext. 251
EPA - Environmental Justice
Residents and Helpful Links - Information for Homeowners
Storm Water Program Management
Adopt A Park Program Application and Liability
Coloring Book
Attention Residents - Illegal Dumping
Stormwater Ordinance 2002-00-15
Single Family Residential Erosion Control Plan
Adopt a Park
Best Management Practices
Class 1 Grading and Drainage Permit
Class 2 Grading and Drainage Permit
Village of Coal Valley Yard Waste Collection Brochure
General MS4 Permit
Notice of Intent (NOI) 2003