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Yard Waste Pickup 2025

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The first day for yard waste collection begins on Wednesday April 2nd, 2025. Stickers may be purchased at the Village Hall & at Blackhawk Bank for $2.25 each. As a reminder, please call the Village Hall to be put on the yard waste list by no later than noon on Tuesday & have your yard waste bags stickered & out for pickup no later than 6am on Wednesday mornings. DO NOT place yard waste in your garbage or recycle totes. By doing this, your garbage or recycle may not get picked up. If you have any questions regarding yard waste or to schedule a pickup, you may contact the Village Hall @ 309-799-3604 during regular business hours.

Yard waste carts are also available for an annual fee of $117.00. A charge of $9.75 per month will be added to your utility bill. Please call the Village Hall for more information.